GOSH!!! I had a cup of Hot Honey Green Tea at Cha Chan Tin so that I can snooze properly tonight. But Ma sms me to remind me to drink the pot of Chinese Herbal Soup that she specially brewed for me- WOW it's not everyday that I get such privilege. I had to Thank my dearest Zen Auntie for opening the tiny purple clay slow cooker which Ma won at a lucky draw some months/ years back.
I like the idea of returning home with a bowl of hot soup waiting for you- very cheena right? YA. I never deny that I'm old-school ma... Stuff cooked from purple clay is good stuff too. Touch of tradition in a modern way. Anyway I dutifully drank the pot of black liquid. As I was thinking to myself if it would have been too heaty for me, I had already finished the deed.
Then I treated myself to some ME-time by reading this book "Speaking with the angel" by Nick Hornby with my good old Sony Ericsson playing emo music in the background.- Totally in the mood for some serious sleeping. As planned, I slowly drifted to sleep. BUT I only managed to DRIFT but not exactly SLEEP. GOSH!!!! My precious sleep has been robbed from me since last week. About the same time, an irritating migraine developed and refused to leave me.
I felt a trickling sensation all over my body. Then I felt IT! - HEAT. I hate to say it but I'm feeling super peck chek now cos I'm dying to sleep and rest my tired mind and wretched body but I can't. I think the black liquid has performed it's function- Improve the blood circulation. BUT by doing so, it has generated heat and the trickling sensation and WORSE Kept me awake against my will. I should have taken it in the morning as a caffeine shot or something. ARGH..................................... Hopefully by the end of this post, I would have feel better and able to resume my beauty sleep like the little girl below: