Monday, June 22, 2009


I was actually planning to blog about my recent eye-opener at Butterfactory or even my Girl's night out with Jean, Mau, Chui and CY but i decided to blog about why I'm still up at this unearthly hour.

GOSH!!! I had a cup of Hot Honey Green Tea at Cha Chan Tin so that I can snooze properly tonight. But Ma sms me to remind me to drink the pot of Chinese Herbal Soup that she specially brewed for me- WOW it's not everyday that I get such privilege. I had to Thank my dearest Zen Auntie for opening the tiny purple clay slow cooker which Ma won at a lucky draw some months/ years back.

I like the idea of returning home with a bowl of hot soup waiting for you- very cheena right? YA. I never deny that I'm old-school ma... Stuff cooked from purple clay is good stuff too. Touch of tradition in a modern way. Anyway I dutifully drank the pot of black liquid. As I was thinking to myself if it would have been too heaty for me, I had already finished the deed.

Then I treated myself to some ME-time by reading this book "Speaking with the angel" by Nick Hornby with my good old Sony Ericsson playing emo music in the background.- Totally in the mood for some serious sleeping. As planned, I slowly drifted to sleep. BUT I only managed to DRIFT but not exactly SLEEP. GOSH!!!! My precious sleep has been robbed from me since last week. About the same time, an irritating migraine developed and refused to leave me.

I felt a trickling sensation all over my body. Then I felt IT! - HEAT. I hate to say it but I'm feeling super peck chek now cos I'm dying to sleep and rest my tired mind and wretched body but I can't. I think the black liquid has performed it's function- Improve the blood circulation. BUT by doing so, it has generated heat and the trickling sensation and WORSE Kept me awake against my will. I should have taken it in the morning as a caffeine shot or something. ARGH..................................... Hopefully by the end of this post, I would have feel better and able to resume my beauty sleep like the little girl below:

Friday, June 12, 2009

What you find in a restaurant and a tea cup...

Finally met JJ, GI, E and ling for a meal. Haha we went to this Spanish/ Mexican restaurant in town and *burnt our pockets for the meal. (*The theory of demand and supply worked perfectly well here, when there is scarcity, the price is exorbitant!)

Anyway it was good meeting these ladies. The meal was so-so but I was more amused by someone else in the restaurant.

GI and the gang kept elbowing me to check out this BIG lady who was super voluptuous. So weird right?!? Usually I would expect this kind of enthusiasm from my brudders or Tlam or Fiz. But from 4 equally well-endowed ladies? (*scratch head*) Well, it didn't took me a long time to find out why. They were actually impressed by the immense self-confidence that this big lady exuded when she wore her deep V proudly. True enough, usually the beauty of one is actually the reflection of your own self confidence. Side-track: Looking back now, I realised I was the only "Airport" last night. But who cares!!! muahaha!

Well, after failing to scream-chat with the ladies in the heavily "live-band"ed restaurant, we retreat to a quieter setting for tea. I was hoarse by then. This was when Ling pointed out something interesting to me!

Simi?!? ( Hot Tea + Smiley Face = Time) Hmm... I guess, it's something like that : Take a break, have tea :) Anyway, there were more picto-formula for other tea cups... something to ponder when you are drinking tea...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Piggy scare

As I just returned from US, I'm constantly under the suspicion that I might be a carrier of the piggy flu with no symptom. Paranoid I guess. Regardless, I religiously monitored my temperature- no fever. Wore a mask when YS and CY came to visit me.. (Ya I looked like a terrorist, according to YS...) But I had a bad sore throat which later became a runny nose and cough on the 7th day since my arrival- I almost went berserk!

Anyway although I recovered from the runny nose, the cough stubbornly refused to go away. When I went back to work on Monday, I was totally taken aback by the situation in the office. The entire office is now coughing and sneezing... GOSH! I'm almost 1000% I'm the CARRIER... Although my boss and colleagues painstakingly told me otherwise. (Oh they are SOOO SWEET and Trusty of me...)

Anyway, silly me literally JUMPED at every cough and sneeze- AIYO!!! So since I cannot concentrate on my work without noticing the cough/ sneeze and going around asking, " HUH! Did you get this cough/sneeze before my return???", I took time off to see the company doctor...

Guess what the doctor said????

1) piggy flu's incubation period is 3-4days- You are WAYYYYYY passed it.

2) No fever? - Even more sure...

3) Overtime the moment you are back to work?- Your immunity to local flu is down

Conclusion: You came back to Singapore and caught the local flu instead.... What an irony....

DUH!!!! I almost cried out of relief man... Yippie!!!!!! I can finally spare my heart the unnecessary stress...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Clean UP!!!

Spoken with YS early last morning and she gave me a piece of advice:
Clean up your room

I felt a wave of procrastination swept all over me.

Guess how did I reply her? Hee.. I told her,
" hmm.. but I'm not a Capricorn like you..."
(in my opinion Capricorns are super uber systematic, and YS is a excellent example of a systematic clean up person)
. I think YS gave up on me immediately...

Well, I did force myself to tidy a portion of my wardrobe after that.. (that's a good start isn't it?!?

Just to add: I also cleared half of my mountain of snail mails... (that's a LOT ok...) Well, that sums up my total effort to clean up the room yesterday and I happily went to bed.

This morning, I was awoken by CY's call... I spent most of the conversation with my eyes closed and when I finally opened my eyes... I saw:

GOSH!!! My room= a pigsty. SHUCKS! I'm officially an oink-oink now... All the post-vacation fats accumulation and now my room has remodelled itself overnight to suit my new look!?! OF course it did not happen overnight.

As I scrutinise my pigsty, I realised that my room looked different in daylight and in moonlight. Apparently the morning daylight has allowed me to see the heap of crap on my keyboard and my supposedly computer table, a molehill of washed laundry amongst my bags (waiting for the past month to be packed into the wardrobe) etc...

so I spent the whole day like this..

NOT!!!!!! nah... I wish ah! but in reality i looked more like this auntie below...
Morale of the story: Always listen to YS and clean up the room...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Music is THE universal language

I just love languages and music... Friends know that I have a voracious appetite for music (Remember my Korean craze...) A month ago, in the attempt to brush up my Spanish, I've turned to music for help.

With my very limited Spanish, I conjured these 3 words:
"Aqui"= Here "Yo Estoy"= I am and viola! It brought me to this MTV in YouTube and guess what! I've totally AMOR it! The music and the lyrics... Enjoy :)

I loved it so much... I pestered Marian to bring me to buy this album in El Paso. Marian recommended Wal-Mart- hmm a very unlikely choice in my opinion. But she was right! CDs were impossibly cheap there. Much cheaper than those in CD Rama.

She was such a darling. As we were choosing which albums to get, she subconsciously gave a me a remedial lesson on Spanish! I felt that I learnt more Spanish than I ever did in class... (it must be the Spanish speaking environment.)

After an afternoon in Walmart. I finally made my purchase on
Luis Foni's Palabras Del Silencio ="Words Of The Silence" (OF COURSE! I flew half a globe to get that!)

Julieta Venegas's Si= "YES"

I told Marian that I like soft rock and she recommended this Grammy awards winner album.
Apparently Julieta Venegas is a Mexican alt-rocker, so it's quite a sight to see her posed demurely in a wedding dress, against a pink background, on the cover of Si.

ManĂ¡'s Arde El Cielo = "the sky burns"
(Marian taught me that the stress was supposed to be on "NA" as the sign was above "a" so in Hanyu pinyu it sounds something like ma1 na4)

Marian's favourite band...